Anke Orange Blossom Refill 150ml


Anke Orange Blossom Refill 150ml

Refreshing citrusy bergamot unfolds into dazzling white flowers of delicate orange blossom and elegant lily of the valley. The floral scents reveal their charming and luminous nature. The elusive jasmine and orchid give a taste of warmth in the end and makes the scent more relaxing.

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Anke Orange Blossom Refill 150ml
Orange Blossom Refill 150ml
  • Orange Flower
  • Tuberose
  • Ylangylang
  • Creamy
  • Pine
  • Glycerol
  • DPM

Refreshing citrusy bergamot unfolds into dazzling white flowers of delicate orange blossom and elegant lily of the valley. The floral scents reveal their charming and luminous nature. The elusive jasmine and orchid give a taste of warmth in the end and makes the scent more relaxing.