Moulding Paste 100ml


Moulding Paste 100ml

Add this moulding paste to your canvases or objects to give your art work more texture.

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Moulding Paste 100ml

Moulding Paste 100ml

  • 300ml
  • Can be used in wood, ceramic, bisque, plaster of Paris & metal
  • Can be applied with a paint brush, foam roller, putty knife or spatula.
  • A variety of objects can be embedded into the wet surface
  • Can be used with craft and metal paints
  • Clean brushes with warm, soapy water.
  • Rinse clean with water.

Add this moulding paste to your canvases or objects to give your art work more texture.

Additional information

Weight0.15 kg
Dimensions5 × 5 × 7 cm
Brand Name

Creative Talents