Powafix Teak Oil Burmese 750ml


Powafix Teak Oil Burmese 750ml

Powafix Burmese Teak Oil is a deep penetrating mineral oil specially formulated to protect and enrich natural solid timbers. These oils prevent the timber from drying and cracking.

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Powafix Teak Oil Burmese 750ml

Powafix Teak Oil Burmese 750ml


  • Prevents timber drying and cracking.
  • Protects solid timbers.
  • Deep penetrating oil.


  • Remove loose and flaking material.
  • Do not apply to wet timber.
  • Apply with a brush.
  • Apply two liberal coats leaving 30 minutes between each coat.
  • Apply maintenance coat every 6 ? 12 months.
  • Clean up with Powafix Eco Powa Brush Cleaner.


Powafix Burmese Teak Oil is a deep penetrating mineral oil specially formulated to protect and enrich natural solid timbers. These oils prevent the timber from drying and cracking.